Pattern Casting

3D printing in Casting

3D printed pattern casting can be used in foundries or in-house, depending on your production requirement. 3D printing also offers savings in labour, cost, and time, faster product development and can act as a tool for low-volume production.

Benefits of 3D Printed Pattern Casting

Leading manufacturers and foundries have already harnessed the benefits of 3D printed pattern casting. By simplifying the tooling and cast making process, 3D printing systems are gradually moving from prototyping to low-volume production roles. 3D printed pattern casting can offer the following benefits.

Time and Cost Efficiency: As tooling costs are eliminated, 3D printing becomes an economical alternative to conventional pattern casting processes. Time saved in this stage empowers faster production-cycles and increases overall efficiency.

Lower Turnaround Time: Time saved in the tooling and casting stages drastically halve the turnaround time across all the subsequent stages of manufacturing. This adds a great business value in terms of lower costs and added agility.

Increased Accuracy: The output quality of the 3D printed pattern casting is highly-accurate with the lowest tolerance variations. In a production scenario, there is reduced wastage and minimized post-processing work for unfinished cast parts.

Added Agility: 3D printed pattern casting empowers multiple pattern casting options. This allows manufactures to stay agile, make changes faster and lead the way to optimum and efficient design. 3D printers can also double-up as a tool for low–volume production.